Quality:All of our products are directly from the factories (located in china) with authentic quality and 100% original packages. (Our products are highly praised by our customers worldwide and largely seize in market of Europe and America, like UK, USA .etc)
Service:We will track your order until you say I am happy with the stock. or you can return and get refund.
Wholesale price:you can get wholesale price when order at least 5 pics. If you buy 5-10 pics, you can save $3 each pair, and $5 for 11-20 pics, $6 for more than 20 pics.
lead time to ship:1~2 days Shippment:EMS, UPS, DHL,TNT. etc Payment:paypal , western union, Bank of China. ect. It takes 5-7 business days to arrive at your home.
Welcome to buy a sample to check our quality first.
TEL:086-0594-2623335 Contact: Sale (at) cendaktrading.com MSN:cendak02 (at) ho***il com Yohoo:cendak02 (at) yahoo com AOL:cendak02 (at) aim com |